Topic: Festival/Celebration – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 (từ vựng & audio)

Hôm nay, Hà English và các bạn sẽ cùng nhau khám phá một chủ đề thú vị trong bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 – “Festival/Celebration.” Tại Hà English, chúng ta sẽ bước vào thế giới các lễ hội và kỷ niệm, nơi chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu về những ngày kỷ niệm quan trọng và tầm ảnh hưởng của chúng. Thông qua việc thảo luận và chia sẻ quan điểm, chúng ta sẽ xây dựng kỹ năng giao tiếp mạnh mẽ và tự tin, để sẵn sàng cho phần thi nói trong kỳ thi IELTS.

Mục lục

Những câu hỏi thường gặp trong chủ đề “Festival/Celebration”

1. Do you think new festivals will be introduced in the future?

Certainly, the introduction of new festivals in the future is quite plausible. As societies evolve, cultural dynamics shift, and global interactions increase, there arise opportunities for fresh celebrations. These novel festivals could emerge from various sources such as technological advancements, evolving values, or the fusion of diverse traditions.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Quite plausible: Khá có khả năng
  • Cultural dynamics: Động lực văn hóa
  • Fusion of diverse traditions: Sự kết hợp của các truyền thống đa dạng

2. Why do you think festivals are important in the working year?

Festivals hold significance in the working year for several compelling reasons. They offer a chance to break away from monotonous routines, allowing individuals to recharge and rejuvenate. Festivals also foster camaraderie among colleagues, promoting teamwork and collaboration. Additionally, they serve as outlets for creative expression, which contributes to employees’ overall well-being.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Break away from monotonous routines: Thoát khỏi những thói quen đơn điệu
  • Foster camaraderie: Xúc tiến tinh thần đồng đội
  • Outlets for creative expression: Cơ hội thể hiện sáng tạo

3. Would you agree that the original significance of the festivals is often lost today?

Indeed, it’s often the case that the original significance of festivals gets diluted or overlooked in the present times. Many festivals, initially rooted in cultural or religious practices, have been commercialized or altered over the years. The evolving societal landscape and shifting priorities contribute to this transformation, leading to a redefined understanding and observance of festivals.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Get diluted or overlooked: Bị pha loãng hoặc bị lãng quên
  • Redefined understanding and observance: Sự hiểu biết và tuân thủ được định nghĩa lại

4. How may globalization affect different festivals around the world?

Globalization can have a profound impact on diverse festivals worldwide by facilitating the exchange of cultural elements and practices. While globalization can lead to the enrichment of festivals through cross-cultural interactions, it may also contribute to the erosion of unique cultural aspects as celebrations become more standardized.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Profound impact: Ảnh hưởng sâu rộng
  • Enrichment of festivals: Sự làm phong phú cho lễ hội
  • Erosion of unique cultural aspects: Sự mòn mỏi của những khía cạnh văn hóa độc đáo

5. What roles do media play in festivals, do you think?

The media plays a pivotal role in festivals by promoting, publicizing, and documenting events. It helps amplify the reach of festivals, creating anticipation and involvement among a wider audience. Moreover, media coverage shapes perceptions and influences people’s understanding of the cultural, social, and emotional aspects associated with these events.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Pivotal role: Vai trò quan trọng
  • Amplify the reach: Mở rộng tầm ảnh hưởng
  • Shape perceptions: Định hình nhận thức

6. What events in a person’s life are most celebrated in your country?

In my country, events such as weddings, birthdays, and religious ceremonies are highly celebrated. These occasions hold deep cultural and personal significance, bringing families and communities together in joyous celebrations.

7. What about the significance of gifts, are there particular presents that are given on particular occasions?

Gifts hold special meaning on various occasions. For example, during weddings, traditional gifts like jewelry are commonly exchanged. On holidays, gifts are exchanged as tokens of appreciation and affection.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Hold special meaning: Mang ý nghĩa đặc biệt
  • Tokens of appreciation and affection: Biểu tượng của sự đánh giá cao và tình cảm

8. How have cultural celebrations and festivals changed in your country?

In recent years, cultural celebrations and festivals in our country have undergone noticeable changes. With the advancement of technology and increased globalization, these events have become more diverse and inclusive. Traditional customs are often combined with modern elements, creating a unique blend of old and new. People now have easier access to information about various cultures, leading to a greater appreciation and understanding of different celebrations. However, while these changes have brought about greater creativity and openness, there is also a concern that the authenticity of some traditions might be diluted.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Diverse and inclusive: đa dạng và bao hàm
  • Blend of old and new: sự pha trộn giữa cổ điển và hiện đại
  • Appreciation and understanding: sự đánh giá cao và sự hiểu biết
  • Diluted authenticity: tính chất độc đáo bị làm mờ

9. Is it important for immigrants to adopt customs and festivals that are celebrated in their new country?

Yes, it is important for immigrants to embrace the customs and festivals of their new country. By participating in local celebrations, immigrants not only show respect for the host culture but also integrate better into the community. Engaging in these events provides opportunities for cultural exchange and helps immigrants build connections with their neighbors. It allows them to learn more about their new home and enriches their overall experience. However, this doesn’t mean they must abandon their own traditions; rather, it’s about striking a balance between preserving one’s heritage and embracing the new culture.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Embrace customs: đón nhận phong tục
  • Integrate into the community: hòa nhập vào cộng đồng
  • Cultural exchange: trao đổi văn hóa
  • Strike a balance: thiết lập sự cân đối

10. Are there many other festivals in your country?


Yes, there are numerous festivals celebrated in our country. From traditional religious festivals to modern cultural events, there’s a wide variety of occasions throughout the year. These festivals showcase the rich heritage and diversity of our culture. They often bring communities together, fostering a sense of unity and shared identity. Some well-known festivals include [mention a couple of popular festivals in your country].

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Wide variety of occasions: đa dạng các dịp
  • Rich heritage and diversity: di sản phong phú và đa dạng
  • Fostering a sense of unity: khơi dậy cảm giác đoàn kết

11. What type of special occasions are generally celebrated in your country?

In our country, a variety of special occasions are commonly celebrated. These include religious holidays, national events, and personal milestones. Religious occasions such as [mention religious holidays] hold cultural and spiritual significance. National events like Independence Day unite the nation in commemorating historical moments. Additionally, personal milestones like weddings and graduations are cherished and marked with grand celebrations.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Cultural and spiritual significance: ý nghĩa văn hóa và tâm linh
  • Unite the nation: đoàn kết cả dân tộc
  • Marked with grand celebrations: được kỷ niệm bằng các lễ kỷ niệm hoành tráng

12. How important is it for families to celebrate occasions together? Why?

Celebrating occasions together as a family is highly important. These gatherings strengthen family bonds and create lasting memories. They provide a platform for open communication and reinforce the sense of belonging. Sharing joyful moments enhances emotional connections among family members, promoting a supportive and loving environment.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Strengthen family bonds: củng cố mối quan hệ gia đình
  • Sense of belonging: cảm giác thuộc về
  • Emotional connections: mối liên kết cảm xúc

13. Are family occasions as important today as they were for former generations?

Yes, family occasions continue to hold significance in modern times, although their nature and execution may have evolved. While the pace of life has changed, the value of coming together to celebrate milestones and strengthen family ties remains intact. In today’s fast-paced world, these occasions offer an opportunity to pause, connect, and reflect on shared experiences, contributing to the overall well-being of individuals and families.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Evolution of nature and execution: sự phát triển về bản chất và thực hiện
  • Strengthen family ties: củng cố mối quan hệ gia đình
  • Overall well-being: sự phát triển toàn diện

14. Are birthday celebrations important in your country?

Yes, birthday celebrations hold significance in our country. They are a way to show appreciation for an individual’s existence and mark the passing of another year. People often gather to celebrate with parties, gifts, and heartfelt wishes. It’s an occasion to express love and well-wishes for the future, making the person feel valued and cherished.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Mark the passing of another year: đánh dấu sự trôi qua của một năm nữa
  • Heartfelt wishes: lời chúc chân thành
  • Feel valued and cherished: cảm thấy được trân trọng và quý báu

15. How are older people treated in your country?

In our country, older people are generally treated with respect and reverence. Their wisdom and life experiences are highly valued, and there’s a cultural emphasis on filial piety. Family members often take care of the elderly and seek their guidance. However, it’s worth noting that attitudes might vary based on cultural shifts and individual circumstances.

Useful phrases/collocations

  • Cultural emphasis on filial piety: sự nhấn mạnh về hiếu thảo trong văn hóa
  • Take care of the elderly: chăm sóc người cao tuổi
  • Attitudes might vary: thái độ có thể thay đổi

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Tổng kết

Chúng ta đã cùng nhau trải qua một cuộc hành trình thú vị trong chủ đề “Festival/Celebration” qua bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 tại Hà English. Tại đây, chúng ta đã tìm hiểu về ý nghĩa của các lễ hội và sự quan trọng của việc kỷ niệm. Chúng ta đã thấy rằng việc thể hiện tình cảm và hiểu biết về các ngày kỷ niệm có thể tạo ra sự kết nối mạnh mẽ và tạo dựng tình thân thiện.

Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm một trung tâm Anh ngữ uy tín và chất lượng, Hà English là một sự lựa chọn tuyệt vời. Với hơn 10 năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực giảng dạy tiếng Anh, trung tâm đã đạt được uy tín cao trong việc đào tạo học viên về ngoại ngữ.

Hà English tự hào là một môi trường học tập chuyên nghiệp và thân thiện, với đội ngũ giáo viên có trình độ cao và giàu kinh nghiệm. Những giảng viên tại trung tâm không chỉ sở hữu kiến thức chuyên môn vững vàng mà còn có khả năng tạo động lực và sự hứng thú trong quá trình học tập của học viên.

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